1 301

Re : L'image Nazie du jour

Et la même coté messieurs


« Je suis né d'un con, je mourrai comme un con » El Comandante Rebleauchón

1 302

Re : L'image Nazie du jour


1 303

Re : L'image Nazie du jour




1 304

Re : L'image Nazie du jour

Haha !

Anna Navarre: You're wearing sunglasses on a night operation?
JC Denton: My vision is augmented.

1 305

Re : L'image Nazie du jour


1 306

Re : L'image Nazie du jour

Excelold ouais !

« Je suis né d'un con, je mourrai comme un con » El Comandante Rebleauchón

1 307

Re : L'image Nazie du jour


1 308

Re : L'image Nazie du jour

« Vous aimez la neige les gars ? J'ai justement une petite proposition de mutation pour vous, quelque part vers l'est... »

1 309

Re : L'image Nazie du jour

Haha oui, c'est le parti néo-nazi mongol. J'avais vu un reportage sur eux ils sont marrant.

1 310

Re : L'image Nazie du jour

Mails ils sont vraiment nazis ? Comment ils font pour trouver des boutiques de pancakes à caillasser ?

1 311

Re : L'image Nazie du jour

aliocha a écrit:

Mails ils sont vraiment nazis ? Comment ils font pour trouver des boutiques de pancakes à caillasser ?

D'après ce que j'ai lu, ils sont contre les génocides nazis, ils kiffent juste le côté préférence nationale parce qu'ils flippent de se faire diluer par les Chinois.
Oui, c'est pas top au point leur truc.

1 312

Re : L'image Nazie du jour

Ils devraient plutôt contacter Marine alors.

« Je suis né d'un con, je mourrai comme un con » El Comandante Rebleauchón

1 313

Re : L'image Nazie du jour

reblochon a écrit:

Ils devraient plutôt contacter Marine alors.

Tu n'y connais rien en sociologie de meetings néo-nazis mongols alors ta gueule !


N'imprimer ce message que si nécessaire, pensez à l'environnement

1 314

Re : L'image Nazie du jour

reblochon a écrit:

Ils devraient plutôt contacter Marine alors.

Ou les quebecois.

1 315

Re : L'image Nazie du jour

Le nounours bleu ça fait quand même moins peur que la cravache.

1 316

Re : L'image Nazie du jour

C'et un chien

1 317

Re : L'image Nazie du jour

Ah ça tombe bien, les Québécois appellent les ours en peluche des toutous.

1 318

Re : L'image Nazie du jour


Anna Navarre: You're wearing sunglasses on a night operation?
JC Denton: My vision is augmented.

1 319

Re : L'image Nazie du jour

http://life.time.com/history/adolf-hitl … -1939/#end

[spoiler]We do not usually give so much space to the work of men we admire so little.

So began a remarkable editor’s note to LIFE’s readers in an April 1970 issue of the magazine, introducing a photographer named Hugo Jaeger — a man who, the note pointed out, “was a fascist before the Nazi party was formed.”

In that issue, LIFE published a series of startling color pictures that Jaeger made in the late 1930s and 1940s, when he enjoyed unprecedented access to the Third Reich’s upper echelon, traveling with and chronicling Adolf Hitler and his Nazi cohorts at massive rallies and, frequently, in quieter, private moments, as well. Jaeger’s photos were, it turned out, so attuned to the Führer’s vision of what a Thousand Year Reich might look and feel like that Hitler declared, upon first seeing the kind of work Jaeger was doing: “The future belongs to color photography.”

The story of how LIFE came to own Jaeger’s collection of roughly 2,000 color photographs — an archive comprising a vast, insidery portrait of the Third Reich — is as extraordinary as any tale of intrigue to emerge from World War II.

According to Jaeger’s own account of the creation, preservation and, ultimately, the sale of his photos, the espionage-thriller aspect of the tale began in 1945, when he found himself face to face with half a dozen American soldiers in a small town west of Munich, as Allied troops were making their final push across Germany at war’s end. This very scenario had, for years, been Jaeger’s enduring nightmare: he knew, after all, that he would be arrested — or worse — if the conquering Americans discovered his trove of pictures and, consequently, his long, close, personal connection to Hitler.

On that spring day in 1945, during a search of the house where Jaeger was staying, the Americans found the leather satchel in which the Führer’s personal photographer had hidden literally thousands of color slides. What happened next, however, left Jaeger staggering.

Inside the satchel that held the compromising pictures, Jaeger had also placed a bottle of brandy and a small, ivory gambling toy — a spinning top for an old-fashioned game of chance known by, among other names, “put-and-take.” Happy with their find, the soldiers sat down to a session of put-and-take while sharing the bottle of brandy with Jaeger and the owner of the house where the photographer had been living. (Jaeger’s own apartment in Munich had been destroyed in Allied air raids.) The leather satchel, and whatever else was hidden away in it, was forgotten as the brandy dwindled and the game of put-and-take spun on.

After the Americans left, a shaken Jaeger packed the color slides into metal jars and, over time, buried them in various locations on the outskirts of town. In the years following the war, Jaeger occasionally returned to his multiple caches, digging them up, drying them out, repacking and reburying them. He had hidden them systematically over an area of a square mile or so, with notes and a map to guide him back: “From the railroad switch, 263 ties west, then 15 meters north …”

Jaeger finally retrieved the collection for good in 1955 — all 2,000 of the slides, amazingly, were still in excellent shape, despite having been buried deep in the ground for a full decade — and in 1965, after storing them in a Swiss bank for 10 years, he sold them all to LIFE.

Here, in grudging acknowledgment of the scope of Jaeger’s achievements as a photographer — acknowledgment, in other words, of the work of a man we admire so little — LIFE.com presents a series of color pictures from the over-the-top celebrations in Berlin marking Hitler’s 50th birthday (April 20, 1939), as well as some of the ludicrously gaudy gifts bestowed on the German leader by his Nazi peers and sycophants.

Seen today, Jaeger’s photographs elicit an unsettling sense of both dismay and dread: dismay at the sheer scale of the tribal, nationalist madness that once, not so long ago, convulsed a country of millions; and dread at the horrors that, we know, such madness was soon to unleash.

— Ben Cosgrove is the Editor of LIFE.com

Read more: http://life.time.com/history/adolf-hitl … z2ZDfAu1aH[/spoiler]

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1 320

Re : L'image Nazie du jour

Mieux sans le #end

http://life.time.com/history/adolf-hitl … il-1939/#1

1 321

Re : L'image Nazie du jour


1 322

Re : L'image Nazie du jour

Le bon goût nazi.


1 323

Re : L'image Nazie du jour

Hummmm je lui ferait bien un anschluss sur ses seins.

1 324 Dernière modification par Wild_Monkey (18-07-2013 22:37:11)

Re : L'image Nazie du jour

PunkTumG a écrit:


Les nazis, y en a des biens.

1 325 Dernière modification par mr_zlu (19-07-2013 00:13:03)

Re : L'image Nazie du jour



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